2024, April, "Degenerations via the Khovanskii bases based approach and the Cox ring based approach", at the "Non-Linear Algebra seminar" at the MPI MiS Leipzig (Germany). 2024, January, "Smooth Fano varieties with torus action of complexity two", at the "Workshop on Torus Actions in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry" IBS Science Culture Center Daejeon, (Republic of Korea). 2023, October, "Intrinsic Grassmannians and their geometry", at the Workshop "Vector bundles and combinatorial algebraic geometry" at the Goethe Univerity Frankfurt am Main (Germany). 2023, June, "The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections", at the "Intercity Number Theory Seminar" Groningen (Netherlands). 2022, September, "The anticanonical complex - a combinatorial tool for Fano varieties", at the Conference "Geometry meets Combinatorics in Bielefeld" at the University Bielefeld (Germany). 2022, April, "The anticanonical complex for non-degenerate toric complete intersections", at the Oberwolfach Workshop on "Toric Geometry". 2022, February, "Intrinsic Grassmannians", at the "Algebra Seminar" at the University Jena (Germany). 2021, November, "Smooth Fano varieties with torus action of complexity two", at the "Seminar Algebraische Geometrie" at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany). 2021, April, "Intrinsic Grassmannians", at the "Seminar Algebraische Geometrie" at the Freie Universitaet Berlin (Germany). 2021, February, "Intrinsic Grassmannians", at the "Algebra and Geometry Seminar" at the Universita degli studi di Trieste (Italy). 2020, October, "On (singular) arrangement varieties" at the "Algebra Seminar" at the University of Kentucky (USA). 2020, July, "Degenerations of varieties with torus action" at the "Workshop on Toric Degenerations" via Zoom (hosted by K. Kaveh, Pittsburgh (PA, USA)). 2019, September, "The anticanonical complex" at the Oberwolfach seminar on "Toric Geometry". 2019, August: "Cox rings and T-varieties" at the "Seminar Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry" at the University of Leuven (Belgium). 2019, June: "Cox rings of varieties with torus action" at the "Oberseminar Algebra" at the University of Osnabrueck (Germany). 2019, January: "A combinatorial tool for Fano varieties" at the "Baer-Kolloqium" at the University of Magdeburg (Germany). 2018, November: "The anticanonical complex - a combinatorial tool for Fano varieties" at the "North German Algebraic Geometry Seminar 2018" at MPI MiS, Leipzig (Germany). 2018, September: "On Iteration of Cox rings" at the workshop "Varieties and Group Actions" at IMPAN Warsaw (Poland). 2018, August: "Finite generation of initial algebras and combinatorics" at the "SFU Symposium on Mathematics and Computation" at the Simon Fraser University, Burnaby (BC). 2018, May: "On Cox rings of T-varieties" at the "Oberseminar Algebra und Theoretische Mathematik" at the University of Chemnitz (Germany). 2017, November: "On Iteration of Cox rings" at the "Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar" at the University of Loughborough (UK). 2017, August: "T-varieties of higher complexity" at the workshop "Experimental Classification of Fano varieties" at the University of Tuebingen (Germany). 2017, Juli: "Congruences and concurrent lines in multi-view geometry" contributed talk at the "Young researchers school on image processing and computer vision" at the University of Tuebingen (Germany).